We help clients architect and configure ready-to-use blockchain exchanges. AlphaMille clients can rely on a team of experts at our offshore Center of Excellence to get help with writing smart contracts. Alternatively, we can help a client set up their own dedicated team in one of our offshore locations around the globe. We future-proof our client’s businesses by assisting them with STO (Security Token Offerings) and NFT (Non-fungible Token) offerings.

In certain cases, blockchain technology is combined with IoT. In one such case, a technology company had a disruptive product for smart homes, smart buildings, manufacturing lines, and asset tracking. The product used an innovative concept of IoT devices secured through a patented, lite Blockchain technology called BlockLock. The project consisted of rebuilding a a legacy application built on NodeJS Express, improving the user interface, building the front-end application on Angular and BootStrap HTML, and integrating the best-in-class patent Blockchain security mechanism (BlockLock) and the Ledger system in a multi-tenant format.
