From Leonid Batkhan’s Post in SaS Institute:
My New Year's resolution: “Unclutter your life” and I hope this post will help you do the same. Here I share with you a data preparation approach and SAS coding technique that will significantly simplify, unclutter and streamline your SAS programming life by using data templates.
Dictionary.com defines template as “anything that determines or serves as a pattern; a model.” However, I was flabbergasted when my “prior art research” for the topic of this blog post ended rather abruptly: “No results found for data template.”
What do you mean “no results?!” (Yes, sometimes I talk to the Internet. Do you?) We have templates for everything in the world: MS Word templates, C++ templates, Photoshop templates, website templates, holiday templates, we even have our own PROC TEMPLATE. But no templates for data? Continue.